Announcement from ASME Turkey Branch
3 August 2016 | 11:57

As it is widely known, the International American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), having more than 120 000 members in the world, is a well-established professional organization. Giving special attention to those for students among its activities, ASME is organizing the Student Design Competition (SDC) which is a part of an annual convention and exhibition (IMECE) and international participation is supported. We as the Turkey Branch of ASME have been providing financial support to the teams participating in this competition from Turkey for the last two years.

Made within the scope of Student Professional Development Conferences in 2010 and 2011, at the European Region playoffs (SPDC, Student Professional Development Conference), students from Yeditepe University Department of Mechanical Engineering have won the finals in the competition entitled to represent the European region. The team that will participate in the competition in 2011, 1500-USD will be provided by ASME Turkey Branch as well as the headquarters of ASME, for the support of travel and accommodation.

With the success achieved and experiences in the last two years, it is observed that SDC provided significant contribution to the students' design capabilities. In addition, preparing to the competition under the leadership of a supervisor increased their susceptibility to teamwork and by taking part in an international competition, significant developments have been observed in the qualities of effective communication with colleagues abroad. Competition Design Projects of the students of Yeditepe University, Department of Mechanical Engineering are also evaluated as the senior year project.

To conclude, encouraging your undergraduate students to participate this competition will result in professional development of students as well as positive consequences in terms of international recognition of your department. Effective promotion of SDC at our country and supporting the senior year students of mechanical engineering are of great importance. To obtain more detailed information please e-mail Assoc. Dr. Decent Topaloğlu.

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