ME424 Graduation Design Project II

Purposes of "ME424 Graduation Design Project II"

  • ME424 Graduation Design Project II course includes individual work or teamwork of students.

  • The aim of Projects is to provide students an opportunity to experience all stages of design for engineering problems, to develop the students' creativities and their team work consciousness, help them to develop themselves professionally and ethically and to gain experience at oral and written presentations.

  • Mechanical Engineering Applications projects are specified at the first 3 weeks of each semester by considering the students' prefereneces. In the case of group studies, students from other departments may be included in the project team.

  • Projects should include synthesis rather than analysis and studies that develop students' creativity.

  • At the beginning of the project, project name, its purpose, definitions and stages of the work, number of the students in the team and their tasks should be explained. Department announces the project titles.

  • Towards the end of the semester, presentations are made ito discuss the advancements, and each team member is responsible for those presentations.

  • Project supervisor evaluates the project, considering both individual and team performances.

  • Two copies of the final report of the project  is submitted to the supervisor. Supervisor decides whether the project is worth to be examined at the jury or not.

  • The viva of the project is organized as public, with the jury members assigned by the Department. Members of Chamber of Mechanical Engineers or industry representatives can be invited to the jury. 

  • Project presentations must not exceed 20 minutes and it is followed by a 10-minute question section. Chairman is responsible for following the session time schedule.

  • Chairman can accept any questions from outside the jury.


Click here to access the ME424 Graduation Design Project II course Project Report Templates.



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